Celebrating the eucharist
The central part of Catholicism
Encouraging students to be Christ-centered persons who “follow the teachings of Jesus to love God and others,” faith and spiritual formation have been put into action to enhance the Catholic Identity for the student
Classes gather weekly to celebrate Mass. During the school year, students share their time and talents with others by dedicating their efforts to prepare and lead child-centered Masses. On a monthly basis, students gather into “Faith Families” before and during mass to celebrate Jesus’s teachings together.

Serving as Catholic Models of Faith
Students participate in Liturgical celebrations as altar servers, lectors, and music ministry.
We are blessed to be a part of the Saint John School family!
Throughout our time, we have made lifelong friendships and have embraced the community as an important part of our life.
-Laurie and Ron Abad

Liturgical Celebrations
Teachers direct the celebration of prayer services and activities including:
- Blessing of the Animals
- All Saints’ Day
- Advent
- Christmas Pageant
- Lent
- May Crowning
Various activities, such as researching saints, processions, and traditional celebrations are encouraged.
“I have witnessed the immense spiritual growth in the students while serving as lectors and altar servers. I work with these students and coordinate for these ministries for the school. Seeing them growing their love for serving the Lord has been tremendous! – Saint John School Educator/Liturgical Minister