Intermediate School
Exploring new concepts
As students enter into the intermediate grades, experienced, multi-subject credentialed teachers help students foster skills for academic independence and problem solving that they will use for their remaining years at Saint John School.
Students are equipped with organizational skills as they learn to effectively utilize a school planner, assume homework responsibilities, and develop a higher level of ownership in their learning through the implementation of the standards-referenced grading system.

Student instruction includes whole group, small group, and individual in order to consider all forms of learning.
Grades 3-5 continue their academic progress using the same curriculum for both ELA and math as K-2. Eureka math continues to develop critical mathematical thinking while teachers also incorporate standard algorithm practice which allows students to have the best of both worlds!
Faith formation opportunities like Faith Families and weekly Mass continue to bless our students with opportunities to share in our faith. Our intermediate students use our Schoolwide Learning Expectations (SLE’s) to guide their behavior choices and decisions in both academic and social situations to be Christ centered persons, active life long learners, and responsible citizens. In all things we do, we ask ourselves, what would Jesus do?

Beyond the Classroom
5th grade is the year when organized sports are introduced. Saint John School participates in the North County Parochial League for Flag Football, Soccer, Basketball, and Volleyball.
The student choir and after school band, among other opportunities, are also available for students.