Saint John School Read-a-Thon Supports Needs in Burundi, Africa

Saint John School 3rd graders supported Burundi Friends International (BFI) for their Faith in Action project. Burundi Friends International is an organization that is committed to fighting poverty, educating youth and providing hope in the one of the most economically challenged places on earth: Burundi, Africa.
A couple of years ago, the Saint John School helped raise funds through another Faith in Action project which lead to the building a small library in Burundi. The library was named the Saint John School Library to recognize the efforts of our community to support the project. While the primary languages of Burundi are Kirundi, Swahili and French, the primary language of business (and associated opportunity) throughout Africa is English. The Saint John School Library provides resources for those individuals who wish to learn English.
Therefore, it was fitting that the third graders sponsored as school-wide Read-a-Thon to help raise funds for BFI and their Saint John School Library. Students solicited pledges that could be based on per minute, per page, or per book which was agreed upon between the student and sponsor. Sponsors could also donate a flat amount. Then students got busy reading!
As usual, Saint John School students rose to the challenge! They read and read and read! As a result, $5,100 in donations were raised for BFI! “I am so proud of our students,” exclaimed Caroline Henderson, third grade teacher.
Miss Henderson further remarked, “To support our call for almsgiving this Lenten season, the third graders wanted to send a gift of money to our Burundi Friends. So, we thought what better way to support the learning of our friends in Burundi then to grow in our own learning too with a Read-a-Thon to raise money and awareness for their educational needs!”
Students celebrated their success with Pajama Day! Students wore their PJs to school and had the opportunity to read some more during the school day.
Burundi Friends International’s core values include a passion for service, dignity, generosity, compassion, and trust. These values definitely mirror those of Saint John School and its students!