Principal’s Message for December 7th

Dear Parents
Advent is always a special time for our Catholic school as we eagerly anticipate the coming of the Lord at Christmas. It is a time of year full of activities for children and parents alike. Christmas food basket collections, prayers at Benediction, candy canes on St. Nicholas day, Christmas concerts, penance service reflections, and Advent decorations are all a part of the season at Saint John School.
But in the midst of all the school activities and holiday demands, we hope you can take some quiet time to reflect on the true meaning of all the preparations in front of you as we approach Christmas.
“In this quiet season—a season we tend to fill up with a lot of noise and frantic activity—make time daily to listen for the comforting words of God in your life. Probably the quickest way to begin hearing those words is to create a daily gratitude list. Set aside five minutes each morning or evening and take a few deep breaths. When you are settled, start jotting down whatever comes to your mind that you are grateful for. With a heart full of gratitude, everything else in our lives will change. We will begin to see, even in the demands of our Christmas preparations, the real purpose of those efforts—celebrating the Lord’s arrival in our life and the lives of those we love.”
Four Gifts for You This Advent, Loyola Press 2017
Peace and blessings,
Dan Schuh