5th Grade Visits BizTown

Saint John School 5th Grade students enjoyed a unique field trip to the McGrath Family Junior Achievement BizTown. BizTown is a 10,000 sq. foot mini-city in which students explore the workings of the “real world.” The 5th graders were “employed” by one of 21 businesses while making personal and professional financial decisions, holding business meetings, paying taxes, and donating to charity.
BizTown describes the program this way: “After four weeks of curriculum and preparation in the classroom, where students learn how to be a citizen, how an economy works, how to apply for a job and run a successful business, students visit our McGrath Family JA BizTown facility for a 4.5 hr simulated work day experience. Each citizen has a job for the day, participates in business and town meetings, gets paid twice, manages a checking account, purchases retail items to take home, gets a health check-up, and much more!”
This project-based learning opportunity helps students understand the importance of becoming a successful and contributing member of our community. Additionally, it empowers them to take responsibility for own futures!