Students Celebrate All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day

Saint John School students celebrated All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day during the first week of November. On November 1, students honored the saints. After attending Mass where they sang the Litany of the Saints, they participated in a Saints Parade. Students dressed as their favorite saints and paraded around the school courtyard. Saint reports and presentations took place in classrooms as children shared information on their saint and discussed how their saint inspired them.
On the following day, the school celebrated All Souls’ Day also know as “Dia de los Muertos” or Day of the Dead. In addition to creating an altar for the Saint John School community, students in grade 3-8 also studied and learned more about the intriguing holiday. In particular, the 6th graders researched symbols related to the holiday and reflected on their importance and influence on the holiday. The 7th graders created their own personal altars for their loved ones in addition to reflecting on that person and how this project helped them experience the holiday in a different way. Their reflections and detailed altars were not only beautiful, but truly inspirational. The 8th graders were encouraged to experience the holiday for themselves by participating in a local festival. The students’ contribution to the Day of the Dead decor and presentation was truly heartfelt and personal, adding a great personal touch to our Dia de los Muertos display.