Saint John Community Participated in Friends of the Poor Walk

There are many ways that students participated in the annual Friends of the Poor Walk this year.
Even before school started in August, a group of seventh graders began working on promoting the walk to the school community. They planned, made posters, sat at tables at the Ice Cream Social and the Walk itself, and made announcements at assemblies. These students were Nick F., Rhett C., Ainsley S., John Paul C., Trevor E., Thomas F., Andrew P., and Colton A., and they had some help from some of their friends at times.
Also, dozens of students came out with their families to walk and pray on Sept. 30; fourth graders drew pictures and wrote a paragraph of the Works of Mercy; and students from grades 5 through 8 wrote essays about a time they performed a work of mercy.
All of the beautiful drawings and paragraphs were on display at the walk. At the Oct. 9 assembly, two essay contest winners from each of the upper grades were recognized. Eighth grader Olivia H. was the overall winner. Mrs. Sandi Watson and Mrs. Marcia Rebelo from our parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference presented certificates to each one.
Hoping to have an even wider impact on poverty, student project leaders at the walk also collected signatures to end hunger by 2030 and sent them to local government representatives.